Workshop 3: EarlyWarning Signals for Critical Transitions
Details will follow when an agenda is available.
Details will follow when an agenda is available.
Purpose: Introduction to communications with press and others through a hands-on workshop where we will quickly move from the abstract to each student’s individual plan. There will be a follow-up workshop at the end of the year when students are … Continued
Objective: Provide a thorough overview of the scaling results which have been found in the climate system and the possible mechanisms behind this behaviour. Specific Themes: origins of scaling, power laws, multifractal scaling Relevance: Guarantees that the ESRs have adequate … Continued
TiPES Final Meeting We welcome all TiPES and CriticalEarth members to the next (and final) TiPES meeting, which will take place from September 3rd-8th at the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual in Benasque, in the Spanish Pyrenees. All … Continued
CriticalEarth Winterschool & Conference on Critical Transitions in observed and simulated complex systems: Venue: Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Technical University of Munich, Garching. Germany: Meeting Agenda: 13-15 Feb: ESR workshop 2 “Methods of Stochastic Multiscale Dynamics” (Christian Kuehn) 16-17 … Continued
The meeting agenda will be communicated internally. The meeting will include a private meeting with the ESRs and the Project Officer Giuliana Donini to hear thoughts and feedback on the CriticalEarth project to date. Each ESR should prepare a presentation … Continued
We plan to hold a in-person TiPES Annual Meeting meeting later this year near Exeter area (UK). Please mark your diaries; more details of scope and timing will be announced in due course.
This is Scientific Course #2 (SC2) for the CriticalEarth ITN: An Expert Course on Climate Time Series Analysis and Risk Analysis, that will be run and organised by Manfred Mudelsee from Climate Risk Analysis (CRA). The SC2 course will thus … Continued
This is a TiPES webinar. Please contact Giulia Petitta for the Zoom link: